Terms and Conditions

Welcome to PropertyDhundo.com. By accessing or using our website, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions:

  1. Listing Services:

    • PropertyDhundo.com offers a platform for users to list properties. The accuracy of information lies with the user.
  2. Account Creation:

    • Users creating accounts must provide accurate and complete information.
  3. Payment and Refunds:

    • Payments for featured listings are non-refundable.
  4. Intellectual Property:

    • Content on PropertyDhundo.com is protected by intellectual property laws.
  5. User Conduct:

    • Users agree not to engage in any unlawful activities or violate our community guidelines.
  6. Modification of Terms:

    • PropertyDhundo.com reserves the right to modify these terms at any time.

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